Chronic illness, Uncategorized

The secret diary of a crohns girl!

Hi welcome to my very blessed and not so blessed life!!

I’m just a normal 32year old women/mother (I’m a mum to a beautiful 4year old little girl)

A normal women who has 3 butt holes (yes that’s right 3 bum holes) quite the talent!!Half a stomach!! oh and I think slight mental problems ok not slight complete f**king looney!! so I’ll be signing this Anonymous!!!

I suffer terribly with chronic crohns and peri anal disease and I’ve been in a major flare up (2years on going 🙄) and I just can’t seem to get better and of late it was really beginning to effect my mental health so I started like a blog/journal and I’m finding it’s really helping me out with my mind frame.

So For those of you that don’t know crohns is a very intimate and embarrassing illness especially for us women. We want to remain sexy and ladylike well you try being that with 3 arse holes that leak and flare with also my balding hair and that’s putting the symptoms lightly ….not to worry tho I’m going to let you all know the nitty gritty of what living with crohns is really like unfortunately your going to have to hear of my terrible toilet habits and of my horrific experiences that I can now look back on with humour. So this is why I’m here I want to smash down the walls of not talking about crohns because it’s embarrassing!! It’s not embarrassing it’s not our fault it’s this illness and I want to make it common practice to talk about s**t literally……I’m guessing this blog isent for the light hearted or easily offended… I tend to swear ALLOT it’s just who I am I come from a very working class background and what you see is what you get so please don’t judge me! just come share my experiences if reading my blog is guaranteed to do anything it will make others feel better about there own life’s.

I’m really new to this and I’m not entirely sure what I’m doing I want to add a comments section so readers can get involved and maybe other crohns sufferers can share there stories along with mine. I want to capture the humour in this disease lots of embarrassing stuff/stories coming up

This I sent the last you have heard from me much love peeps 😘 xxx

10 thoughts on “The secret diary of a crohns girl!”

    1. Hi thank you so much for reading I’m so glad you enjoyed it means the world to me!! there’s a few typos in there but I don’t know how to edit it I only joined today still trying to figure it all out!! I’m definitely interested in reading yours is there a way I can get a notification when you do your blog and vice versa?? I’ll give yours a read thanks so much again xxxxx


  1. Amazing Hun! Well done already on the beginnig of your blog journey! I’m sure you’ll do great helping people and speaking the truth with humour. I look forward to reading more. X


  2. I love the way you are handling your issues.. like a bad ass. Thank you for transparency. Thank you for increasing my empathy for others. Have a blessed day!


  3. Hi, I’m not a Blogger or a writer or anything. I started reading your blog by accident really, I think it’s great, honest and straight to the point. I can only imagine living with this disease. My partner has IBS and I thought that was bad, however I love your “screw it” attitude.
    I’m actually looking for your next blog, who would of thought I could get so much from somebody else’s s**t.
    Keep going and I love your writing.


    1. Thank you so much!! I write as I would talk (common as muck lol) and I’m so glad you enjoyed reading it means allot to me I’m really new to this but I’ve got so many funny stories (they weren’t funny at the time) but I can laugh at them now so stay tuned 🙈💩😘 thank you so much again xxx


    2. Hi thank you so much!! I’m no writer either (have you seen the amount of typos there are 🙈) I just have a story to tell!! thank you so much again for your comments I want people to enjoy reading it I don’t want anyone to feel sorry for me cause I don’t!! Your reaction is the one I want and believe me I’m finding talking sh*t to be very therapeutic 💩💩 lol I’ll be posting the next update Monday be prepared to cringe a little lol 😆 x


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